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GE Appliances

Case Study

Individualized and reusable identification for totes and pallets across the manufacturing process.

We are a Barcode

Killer because of...


Last as long as a product no matter the environment

Ease of Use

No hand scanning


We serialize for the life of the product, not the sku or type of product

We are a RFID/Bluetooth

Killer because we are...


Last as long as a product no matter the environment


Without electronics, there is no limit of the life until the product
it is on breaks or is destroyed


As the tags are completely printed, the size can vary and go on any product

One of the most respected names in appliances in the world. GEA has been around for several decades and makes various appliances from washers, dryers, and even smaller appliances.

The Need

Serializing thousands upon thousands of totes and pallets that are re-used for sub-assembly parts. Barcode was the original solution and didn't have enough data, was in-efficient as miss scans were possible, and expensive as a new Barcode was used each time a tote was re-used.

Durability: Barcodes require to be scene when read. This puts the Barcodes at risk of environment conditions over time in rough manufacturing environment.

Cost: The barcodes are tens of cents per reuse of a tote making the capital expense to scale up extremely costly.

The Solution

Pascal Tags were used on totes and pallets with reusability for a single tag.

No hand scanners were needed and more feature data was added to the totes as well as the products inside the totes.

The tags were able to increase efficiency by removing multiple steps with the reusable tags.

The efficiency was increased by giving transparency of the usage of totes for the production of appliances.

Value to Customer

Cost reduction with less labor intensive process and materials (less tags)

Longevity with a single tag doing what 100s of Barcodes would do in a year

4X more data is collect per tote enabling better decisions and efficient supply chain.

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